Defending Your Tennessee Professional Credentials, Licenses, and Privileges When They Are at Risk.

The Law offices of James A.H. Bell provide legal representation to licensed professionals, including medical practitioners and holders of liquor licenses, before the Alcohol and Beverage Commission, who are currently facing accusations of misconduct and are embroiled in various administrative and disciplinary actions. Numerous holders of professional licenses may be the subject of an investigation …

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Being accused of a crime can be one of the scariest things that happens in life. You may feel exposed and overpowered by the uncertainty, fear, and confusion. That is where a criminal defense attorney comes in, acting as your ray of hope in addition to your legal counsel. It can be quite intimidating to …

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Top Ten Tips When Choosing a Tennessee DUI Defense Attorney.

Driving under the influence has the potential to cause personal injury, even after just one drink. Additionally, it is a criminal offense that carries major penalties like jail time, a permanent criminal record, or even the suspension of one’s driver’s license. If a police officer stops you while you are driving and finds that you …

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It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you that we have opened our office doors in more comfortable surroundings. Our new address is 6210 Highland Place Way, Knoxville, TN 37919. Our phone number, email address, and fascilime number has not changed. While we downsize from a ten thousand open floorplan to a …

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5 Key Steps to Take When It Comes to Defending A Professional License Violation

Professional licensing defense is complex, complicated and a long process. It can be, and often is a long journey in order to keep, or mitigate against professional complaints on behalf of any licensed professional. When a professional’s license is threatened by an action before an administrative board, there is the significant disruption to the professional’s …

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A Legal Message Using a Sports Metaphor

Recently a good friend passed. He was from the Midwest and in his younger days was a doggone good baseball player. His love for baseball never left, but he reconciled his disappointment when he realized the courtroom had become his Yankee Stadium, and instead of pitching baseballs, he was pitching justice. My friend’s love of …

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Contact us to schedule your free consultation.

Law Offices Of James J.H. Bell
6210 Highland Place Way Knoxville, TN 37919

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