It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you that we have opened our office doors in more comfortable surroundings. Our new address is 6210 Highland Place Way, Knoxville, TN 37919. Our phone number, email address, and fascilime number has not changed. While we downsize from a ten thousand open floorplan to a more conservative traditional office setting, our move will be pleasing to the overall clientell of the office. Change can be difficult but the transition is expected to be very smooth for you, as our client.
Our new location is near the Krispie Kreame Donut Shop on Kingston Pike. A picture of the office building is here so you cannot miss it.The office will have handicap and parking facilities, modern equipment, and space that will provide much easier accessibility for our beloved clients such as yourself.
Since we opened for business in the early 1970s, your loyal support and other past clients has helped us grow, and now we need better parking spaces to serve you better. The previous cramped parking spaces and future limited parking are unacceptable. The cost of business operations downtown has increased to the point we did not want to stay there and increase our hourly rate. The days of downtown law firms are a thing of the past, so we are steping out into the future.